Carcinoma in situ — (CIS) is an early form of carcinoma defined by the absence of invasion of surrounding tissues. In other words, the neoplastic cells proliferate in their normal habitat, hence the name in situ (Latin for in its place ). For example, carcinoma in… … Wikipedia
Carcinoma in situ — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El carcinoma in situ es el carcinoma que no ha roto la capa basal y, por ello, no se ha extendido. El concepto tiene un interés especial ya que se considera que los cánceres in situ son susceptibles de ser curados… … Wikipedia Español
carcinoma in situ — tumor cuyas células quedan dentro del epitelio de origen sin invadir la membrana basal. Presenta típicamente una placa costrosa sobre una subsuperficie humeda color rojo opaco granular o papilomatoso que afecta a la piel y mucosa. Los tumores… … Diccionario médico
carcinoma in situ — n carcinoma in the stage of development when the cancer cells are still within their site of origin (as the mouth or uterine cervix) abbr. CIS * * * a neoplastic entity whose tumor cells are confined to the epithelium of origin, without invasion… … Medical dictionary
Carcinoma in situ — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 D09.9 Carcinoma in situ … Deutsch Wikipedia
carcinoma in situ — (CIS) the earliest stage of cancer spread, in which the tumour is confined to the epithelium and surgical removal of the growth should lead to cure. See also cervical cancer, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ … Medical dictionary
carcinoma in situ — CIS the earliest stage of cancer spread, in which the neoplasm is confined by the basement membrane of the epithelium. Surgical removal of the growth should lead to cure. See also: cervical cancer, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, ductal… … The new mediacal dictionary
Carcinoma in situ, squamous cell — An early stage of skin cancer. Also known as Bowen s disease. This is a tumor that develops from the squamous cells which are flat, scalelike cells in the outer layer of the skin (the epithelium). The term in situ (borrowed from the Romans) means … Medical dictionary
carcinoma in situ — noun a cluster of malignant cells that has not yet invaded the deeper epithelial tissue or spread to other parts of the body • Syn: ↑preinvasive cancer • Hypernyms: ↑carcinoma * * * noun Etymology: New Latin : carcinoma in the stage of… … Useful english dictionary
Carcinoma in situ — Neoplasia con cambios celulares malignos pero que se mantiene localizada en el punto de origen sin invadir los tejidos próximos. Es sinónimo de Carcinoma intraepitelial, no infiltrante o no invasivo … Diccionario de siglas médicas y otras abreviaturas